The Ballad of Sexual Dependency, 1986


The Ballad of Sexual Dependency, 1986

Author: Nan Goldin

Publisher: Aperture Foundation, Inc., New York

Edited with: Marvin Heiferman, Mark Holborn, and Suzanne Fletcher

Includes signature by Brian, one of main characters ot the book (Page 51) 

About the book: 


First published in 1986, Nan Goldin's The Ballad of Sexual Dependency is a visual diary chronicling the struggles for intimacy and understanding among the friends and lovers whom Goldin describes as her tribe. These photographs described a lifestyle that was visceral, charged and seething with a raw appetite for living, and the book soon became the swan song for an era that reached its peak in the early 1980s. Twenty-five years later, Goldin's lush color photography and candid style still demand that the viewer encounter their profound intensity head-on. As she writes: "Real memory, which these pictures trigger, is an invocation of the color, smell, sound and physical presence, the density and flavor of life." Through an accurate and detailed record of Goldin's life, The Ballad of Sexual Dependency records a personal odyssey as well as a more universal understanding of the different languages men and women speak. The book's influence on photography and other aesthetic realms has continued to grow, making it a classic of contemporary photography.